
Stress, Anxiety and Uncertainty
Indecision, Lethargy, and Lack of Focus

  • We are experiencing and anticipating a type of constant and long-term “fight or flight” stress not previously encountered on this scale in the modern world.

  • The level and duration of that stress has enormous implications for our physical and emotional well being.

  • Keeping our businesses and careers alive will require extraordinary creativity, flexibility and perseverance.

  • This means mental health has never been such a high priority in the workplace.

  • Centeredness


    We often don’t actually know what we are feeling. We experience negative feelings as a big knot, or all over negative state, and often we just cut off from all our inner resources.

    I help people identify and untangle thoughts and feelings and then take the next steps that come from this clarity – leading to effective and wise functioning and leadership in any stormy waters.

    As a therapist and executive coach for 25 years I help people with this every day. I’ve used online tools for teaching and coaching over 6 years and have developed effective strategies and techniques for individuals and groups.


    Sessions are conducted via Webcam group or individual platforms.

    Executive Coaching:
    A series of 3, 5 or 10 individual sessions to teach and coach them in how to use Focusing both with themselves and their teams. This includes an introduction to the basics of Conversational IQ.

    Executive Team Workshops:
    A series of 3 - 5 sessions to work with Executive Teams.

    Employee Team Workshops:
    A series of 3 - 5 sessions utilizing basic Focusing techniques to enhance communication and sharing of experiences to build connectivity, team support and company community.

    Click here to contact me for details.

    More Information

    I work with a practice called Focusing and combine this with Relational Therapy. Focusing has been developed through extensive multisite research to be the process at the center of any healing and change. It is a philosophy and an intricate process. Relational Therapy deals with our relationships and social bonds in regard to our growth.

    I coach leaders in how to use the Focusing process with their team to be able to bring the same clarity, balance and clear thinking to those they are working with.

    I also coach leaders in Conversational IQ, a discipline in having the kind of conversations that build trust and clarity. I reveal how there are different types of conversations and each type has a different outcome. I help you to chose the type of conversation for the purpose you want to achieve. And in particular, how to have the types of conversations which open the areas of trust and creativity with in the brains of those you interact with. Learning how to have this trust building creative conversations with Focusing is a very potent mixture to create and empathic, inspirational and powerful leader and mentor.

    Studies have shown that being able to identify, name, and keep company with your negative feelings, and in fact, all feelings, greatly increases mental health and wellbeing.

    People struggled to draw the line between work and home before this outbreak, but now this is hardly even an option. Parents are full tilt having to not only do their jobs virtually at home but also looking after children being schooled at home. And for those who are alone, their sense of isolation and lack of support can be all consuming. For many employees their community is their work colleagues and now they are home alone.

    With this global pandemic unfolding in the world around us many fear losing their jobs, investments, or loved ones. Our anxiety levels are through the roof.

    There are ways to manage our stress and find balance.
    Contact me.